
Is there a minimum budget to use Catalytics?

The minimum budget for Catalytics use is $200/month and can be split across a variety of target audiences and ad creatives.

Is there a minimum spend per targeted business?

No, as long as you are spending $200 per month on the Catalytics platform, you can divide up your budget however you see fit. You can also pause specific businesses and move budget to other targets for any period of time.

What if I want to target more than one location?

You can target several locations for an individual business or target different businesses in different locations using the Catalytics platform. You may choose to set up each location or industry as a separate campaign for reporting and budget purposes. If you need help setting up your account, just let us know.

How many businesses can I choose to target in a campaign?

There is no limit to the number of target businesses or articles you can select. If you need help with selecting business or article targets, the team is happy to help. For users looking to target several businesses with different ad creative, you may require a bulk ad upload (more than 12 ads per upload) or help with creative design (creative that is specific to each business or location). Contact the Catalytics team for assistance.

How many ads can I upload for a campaign?

The default upload is 12 ads during setup, however you can upload an unlimited number of ads using a bulk upload option or in your Control Room by uploading 12 ads at a time.

How many ads can I have in my account?

There is no maximum number of ads for your account. You can upload as many creative options and sizes as you need.

What is a continuous campaign?

Continuous campaigns run without a scheduled end date. These are great for brand awareness messages, core product or feature ads.

What if all of my budget isn’t used at the end of my flight or campaign?

Any unused budget will automatically rollover at the end of each flight or month to the next campaign.

How long will it take to see results?

While there is no exact timeline for advertising results, most users will begin seeing results within a few days of their campaign launch. For many businesses, there is a “ramp up time” that includes two key factors:

  • Optimization in market. This is the time where the platform “learns” more about your target audience and how your creative performs and is optimized over time.
  • Awareness building. As your ads are in market for more time and your target audience sees your messaging , they feel more familiar with your brand and are more likely to click.

How long does it take for my campaign to be live?

Most campaigns are live within two business days of approved ad creative and valid credit card information. If you have a single ad to start with, you can upload it first and begin the process while additional creatives are being developed.

Where can I see my ads?

Your Control Room is where you can see all of the ads that you are currently running as well as your target businesses and / or articles. Platform targeting is designed to show your ads to the audience you selected, without wasting impressions on people outside of your target audience. To see an example of your ad in placement,
please contact your account manager support@catalytics.com

How do I implement Conversion Tracking on my site? If you chose Default Tracking:

Paste the following code snippet inside the closing body tag (</body>) on every page you would like to track:

                                    <script>Code goes here </script>
If your site was built using a framework like react, you can paste the tracking snippet inside a component that loads once on every page (e.g. the footer) OR load the tracking code using a library like https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-tracking

However you decide to load your tracking on your site, it is best if the code does not fire until after the page content has been loaded. This makes it easier to track interactions with page elements like buttons and forms.

If you are not able to edit your website code directly, please use the instructions to deliver the tracking code via a tag manager.

If you chose Google Tag Manager:

  • Log into tag manager and select your account
  • Click ‘Tags’ in the left navigation
  • Click ‘New’ at the top right of the center section
  • Name your tag ‘catalytics.js’ (or any other name you choose)
  • When the menu appears to choose a tag type, choose ‘Custom HTML’
  • Paste your snippet in the window (make sure you have maintained the
    tags that bookend the code)
  • Scroll down to ‘Triggering’ and click on the panel
  • Click the + icon at the top right to create a new trigger
  • Name your trigger Window Loaded.
  • Click the ‘Trigger Configuration’ menu then look for ‘Window Loaded’ in the menu and select it
  • Click ‘Save’ to return to your tag
  • Click save again on your tag to exit the configuration. Note that your tag is NOT YET published.
  • You should now be back to your list of tags. Click ‘Submit’ at the top right. This will publish your new tag to your website.
  • Name the version ‘catalytics.js 1.0’ and include any description you would like
  • Click ‘Publish’

Your tracking code is now live. Once your campaigns are live, you should begin seeing conversion data. If you have not yet set up tag manager on your website, instructions are available here: https://support.google.com/tagmanager/answer/6103696?hl=en

How do I change my ad creatives?

You can update, add, or delete your ad creative at any time from your Control Room. If you need help adjusting ads based on market performance or have questions about how to optimize your ads or budget, let our team know. support@catalytics.com

How do I know how my ads are performing?

Your Control Room includes reporting that will show you daily results as well as weekly and monthly roll ups target audiences, articles, and advertising creative options. Users can also select from reporting options in your account management dashboard.

Be sure to make sure you’ve implemented Conversion Tracking on your site. Click here to see more on conversion tracking

What do I do if I’m not getting leads from my ads?

There can be a number of reasons for leads not appearing from your ads. Here are some initial ways to troubleshoot your lead generation campaign:

  • Validate that lead capture is connected correctly.

    Whether you’ve got a simple email capture or a detailed form, be sure that whatever submission you’re asking for is connected properly to your CRM or other database.

  • Make sure your ads are driving to the correct and optimized landing page.

    Be sure the messaging of your ad matches the information and/or offer on your landing page. Users are likely to bounce if the landing page doesn’t seem to match the message they clicked to get there.

  • Make sure your ads are active and have been running for at least seven days.

    If your ads haven’t been activated or have been paused waiting for authorized payment, you’re likely not getting leads. Also, please give ads at least one week in market to begin generating awareness.

  • Ensure your form matches your ask.

    If a form looks complicated or time consuming for a lower value offer, many users will simply go back to searching for another solution.